Day 10: Hurtful Past and Moving On

It was raining all day, looks like it's one of those end of year rainy season. Maybe it's because of the weather, I'm waking up a little later or maybe because of the heavy workout session late at night. I don't really have enough time to get myself ready for work. I just go with whatever prep that I can get and go to work. My laundry was on my bed when I left.

When I was at work, all I did was just reorganizing my stuff in preparation for next year and it's mostly going through my old emails. I've deleted my old mails and I deleted one of my Facebook account. Reading all the emails and past messages made me cringed and I feel like I want to punch myself for being so immature. I know that I'm the man today because of all those mistakes but a part of me still wishes I didn't do the things that I did. The most painful feeling was when I look at the names of the girls that I used to like, hell even love.

I got texted by Arvin the seller from Shopee. He apologized for not getting back to me earlier because he was out for holiday in the weekend and for the faulty product as well. Then later that night we had carolers visiting us and did the usual sing along. My favorite part which is the prayer session went really well. We prayed for the health of both of my parents, my dad's project next year which involves lots of real estates, my younger brothers Melter (the shop renovation and his career as a businessman) and Melwin (big exam next year).

As for me, I guess it's the things that I've been wanting since the first time I started this blog. I wish to go back to school teaching. I miss it so much and I want to show what I can do as a teacher now that I'm more experienced. Apart from that, there's a lot of benefits as well.

Yeah, that's it. See ya tomorrow. What a good day today.


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