Day 13: My First Platinum PS4

Well I finally got my first platinum. It really feels like it took forever to get it and the last 2 days were the worst because I was grinding my exp in order to reach level 35 which is the last trophy requirement for The Witcher 3. I'm proud of myself because it's not an easy task to complete it. But it was just the base game though, I haven't really start with the DLC yet. Probably gonna play that after I play The Last of US. I just want to play something else now. The thoughts of getting 1000 trophies this year will never come true and it's just too hard to get. I'm not hopeful anymore.

Anyways today, I went to Church like the usual. I still feel a little lazy but I think I'm regaining some of my energy back. I really hope that I will get my mojo back and be productive like the usual. I had a slight headache and took 2 tablets of paracetamol. My nieces were back again and I took some time to play around with them. Even took them to the field in front of the house. There's nothing interesting happening at night so I think that's all.

Week 6: My Nieces Were Having A Friendly Competition


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