Day 16: Went to SK Sogo-Sogo Part 2

I went to SK Sogo-Sogo today but before that I need to send my letter of cancellation of an insurance that I have with Sun Life. I did just that and went with Mr. Denis. It was a quick one, we didn't really do much to be honest. The senior assistant invited us for a meal before we go, and he can't seem to stop talking about politics. Anyways, I didn't show up in the evening. At night, I asked my neighbor AKA my cousin to check the electric guitar. My brother was complaining about the electric shock every time he plays. At first, I didn't catch it but later on I do feel the shock. My brother Melwin was crying because he was stressed out for the fact he can't really play it. I wonder if he's planning on showing off to his friends about it.


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