Day 69: March 10th

Church time! I haven't skipped a week. There's Ash Friday going on this week but I didn't go because I just want to spend 1 day for Church and that's it. I woke up really early and I watched a new Netflix show starring Ricky Gervais. It hit me, it's just the type of thing that will keep me going. I started doing my lesson plan for year 1 and year 6. My goal is to do the entire week of lesson plan but I failed because I got easily distracted. I got to see the mysterious girl again in the evening. She's looking lovely but I on the other hand. Don't look too well. I just realized my skin is darker now. I got tanned easily.

Oh, yeah I just remembered that there's this guy who kept pestering me about joining his down line on my smart shopper application. I really don't want that. So I just went home early from Church,


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